When I first started running FOUR years ago, racing was a completely foreign concept to me. Slowly, I have learned that not every race needs to be a balls-to-the-wall effort. Sometimes, races can just be about running the moment, in a beautiful place, enjoying those running around you.
Colorado was that race for me.
The best part? My younger sister ran it with me. And won.
Colorado has one thing that makes my inner runner quake in fear. Altitude. I live at about 123 feet above sea level. I raced at 5,000 feet after only being there 3 days. That's a big change. I ran sans watch or phone. This race wasn't going to be about time.
The race course was around a lake at a state park, surrounded by the gorgeous Rocky Mountains. Luckily, it was flat, but it was also a trail race, which I've never done it before. Throwing all caution and expectations to the wind, I set out next to my little sister, determined to have a good time. The race was really small, the smallest I have ever run. More like a large family event, but since we have hiked this area extensively in trips past, it seemed like the perfect place to race. The race was an out and back, and we ran the first 1.5 miles together. At the turn around, we were 1 and 2 for females. I could already feel that 5k burn in my legs plus that awful, there's no oxygen in the air burn. At the turn around, my sister slowly pushed the pace and I couldn't keep up. I trailed slowly behind her until about mile 2.75, where she really stepped it up. We passed one male in the back half. Despite her living at 7500 feet and being completely used to the altitude, she really killed it.
26:22 for me. 8:30 pace. For altitude and trail running, I'm pleased with it, despite it being a ways off from my PR.
This race exemplified the relaxation I strove to feel during the weekend. I am currently finishing my last quarter of graduate school and flew to Colorado for a weekend break from school and work. I came back into town feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to tackle the remainder of the quarter.
At the end of the race, some bald eagles were spotted flying around the finish line, so some of the race photographers actually stopped taking pictures of the runners and started taking pictures of the eagles! My sis and I went for a walk around a portion of the lake, and she pointed out some other cool birds. We stayed around for the awards ceremony where we both were given gift cards. She also won a sweatshirt in the raffle. The third place female runner kept saying her goal was to catch us, but she couldn't do it. She seemed so frustrated by that! I have never been told I've been a rabbit before, but I guess I was one to her!
This was my first, but hopefully not my last Colorado race!!